Monday, December 27, 2010

Love Christmas...

I don't know any other country where a family get-together for Christmas can end up in an ugly political conversation regarding "bad democrats" or "bad republicans". Coming from Europe it appears anyway quite ridiculous to me that in America people have a choice between TWO parties only. It almost reminds me of the joke - God presented Adam to Eva and told her "now, make your choice!" :) But ok, some things you can not change, at least not as a single person and not right away. Though of course I tend to support democrats, and I would do so even if I was rich (but who knows, maybe I wouldn't if didn't have any kids, like one of my sisters-in-law).

I absolutely agree that we alone are responsible for what we do with our lives and there is no one to blame! I mean you can always blame someone. There are some horrible families children are born into, some terrible parents, bad circumstances, people have to deal with sicknesses, tragedies etc. Life is tough. But each and every person receives a very unique set of living conditions and personal traits that each and every one of us has to deal with and make the best out of it. Yes, there are "easier life", "bad fates" etc., but it is up to us to gain the strength, work around barriers and find the purpose in this life - be it to help others overcome bad situations or to help yourself in becoming a better person. My mom says, life is an instant fight. Well, it is. And no one is truly "fairy tale-like" happy or content. If you have family, you wish for money, if you have money, you wish for children, or more money, or for more rest and peace of mind, or for your kids not to do drugs and be more responsible.

I always try to memorize wise things people around me say. Though as my sister said one time, every person is confronted with tough situations and decisions that touch the limits of that person's strength. Those situations might even seem so easy to another person. I think when I was talking to my sis I was complaining about something and admiring her ability (like being extremely stressed out with kids at the airport etc.). And she just said that some thing I do with ease appear unbearable to her as well.

Anyway, no one to blame.... but! Living in a society, just because we shouldn't and won't be blamed for something doesn't mean we should feel responsible. There should be a difference that separates humans them from animals - and this difference is not manifested in feeling and emotions that every creature has, not in love, not in mental abilities (that dolphins show as being more and further developed than those of a human being). The difference between an animal and a person is emerging from social structures. As humans we feel responsible not just for ourselves, but for others as well, for strangers that we don't even know but who might be suffering and be in need. As humans we create a society that should give each and every one equal opportunities for every child and adult no matter what background he/she is coming from. As a person living in a society you should be afraid for your life and health, you should have basic safety and a feeling that you are protected by the society you are living in - this is a basic principle of human civilization vs. animalistic approach. The society is as strong as it's weakest link! 

The rich sis-in-law I have to see every Christmas said one time that when you are rich you shouldn't be giving your money away because you have to (like pay taxes for social needs, schools etc.), but because you want to as a donation, like Dolly (Dollywood owner) who donated big time to the school she used to go to. Well, lucky kids! I don't understand why child's education should depend on child's luck! I don't understand why other kids from other schools don't deserve and won't get good book and new materials for their class because of Dolly. I don't think our civilized society should be based on luck, period. If you are rich, you should feel responsible and you should understand that you don't have a clue who is really in need! Having favorites and promoting them is great, but there is nothing fair about that. That's what animals do too. But having compassion for those who are not our favorites - that's what makes us human.

Yes, you will always and in every society find "lazy people" who are "taking advantage of social structures and governmental support", but honestly, would you rather destroy somebodies life who just was born into bad circumstances and never had a chance to develop, or a person who worked hard all life and got a terrible sickness or or or... rather that than help a fibber? Really? I couldn't bear....

I am glad I am strong, I am glad I am loved, I am glad I was able to get good education and more. And as a part of this civilization I feel responsible for all the disadvantages ones who don't have the strength and the support a human needs to become a well-functioning cell in the society's body. And since I don't have the overview of how to allocate resources in a fair way so that each and every one gets a chance, I want my government to do it for me!
This all was just one thought... and just one of many Christmas comments and arguments I have to live through every year. Oh well...

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